What is a menstrual cycle nutritionist?

I get asked this question a lot. A menstrual what? Why aren't you just a normal nutritionist?

Well, my passion is helping women have healthy periods.

And by that I mean regular, painless and symptom free periods.

However, it’s not just the period part that’s important but the whole menstrual cycle. If there are imbalances in other parts of your cycle then your periods won’t be healthy. Period. (Sorry I couldn't resist that pun!)

So as a menstrual cycle nutritionist I make sure that every part of your cycle is working properly and that your hormones are increasing and fluctuating at the right times.

I educate you on the different stages of your cycle and I help you to understand what is going on in your body all month long.


I then show you which foods will support you best for different times of your cycle and if you have a particular symptom we’ll focus on making sure you’re eating the right foods to support that too.

If you have a deeper imbalance or suffer from a condition such a endometriosis, fibroids or PCOS I’ll help you put together a plan that will help to reduce inflammation and detox excess hormones (a massive cause of many hormonal conditions.

If needed I’ll carry out testing to find out what’s going on at a cellular level and I will recommend foods and supplements to really target the areas identified in the tests.

In short, a menstrual cycle nutritionist helps with the smooth running of your periods and hormonal health. You will learn things about your body that you never imagined and you will start to live a life that is super in tune with your hormones and feminine power.


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