The FemmePowered Podcast 


This is a podcast to help you navigate the world using the menstrual cycle as your compass and guide. Join me and my menstrual BFF Natalie Martin as we chat to industry leaders and women who inspire us on everything from money to sexuality, business and hormone health…the list is endless because the menstrual cycle literally shows up everywhere!

We’re here to help you learn new things about your cycle and to inspire you to bring them into your life so that you can show up in a way that honours your natural rhythms and enhances your inner power.

Episode 1: Who we are and how we got here.
Giulietta Durante Giulietta Durante

Episode 1: Who we are and how we got here.

In this episode Nat and Giulietta talk about who they are and how their constantly evolving relationships with their menstrual cycles brought them to where they are today.

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