Episode 23: The truth about coaching incomes and 10K months.

Season 3 gets off with a bang as the girls get really open and honest about their business incomes.

They talk about the importance of clarity when it comes to understanding your numbers and how the Profit First approach has revolutionised the way they both handle their finances.

They also unpick the concept of the 10K month and how misleading and unhelpful it can be when it comes to making aligned financial decisions.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone who runs their own business (even if it’s a side-hustle). In a world where the majority of business coaches make wild income claims, this conversation will empower you to ask the right kinds of questions and to introduce systems that will help you feel much clearer about your business.


Episode 24: Balancing feminine and masculine energies.


Episode 22 Cravings: why willpower doesn’t work and what to do instead.